There are some good things going on...

I have 15 regular dog walks a week! Every day, when I'm outside walking dogs, I think about how lucky I am to be doing just that!! Walking dogs!! It's really delightful. Some dogs are better walkers than others, but I walk about 10-12 miles a week with the regula clients. Paid exercise and sunshine. Bad thing, I decided to "work on my farmer's tan" today, and wore a strapless shirt for the dog walks. I usually stuff my keys into my bra, but since I wasn't wearing one, I got confused and locked them in the car. A bad thing. Luckily, roadside assistance was there within 30 minutes, so I wasn't late for any appointments. A good thing.
I guess that's what happens to hoochie dog walkers that don't wear bras?

On the downside, between that and crossfit, it's wearing me out from being in the sun. I don't feel like running as much at night and I found myself skipping the Monday night nog run and Tuesday Big Boss run. That's a bad thing. Perhaps once I get used to the warmer weather it wont seem so tough?

A good thing.. The overall results from the competition this weekend were posted!! I placed 168/452!! Pretty close to the top 1/3!! That makes me happy. I can honestly feel myself getting stronger.

I'm still eating well. Not allowing bad things to slip into my diet (with the exception of the second drinking night of the year this past weekend). But my weight loss painfully slow now. That's a bad thing. I started doing my fitness pal and am trying yet again to get a bit more technical with things. I really feel some days I am not eating enough. Bad thing. I think I may be gaining muscle? Good thing? I don't know. I'm just trying to be patient and continue forward and not backward, a good thing!

I did buy some protien shake mix today, to force down after my morning crossfit. That's the hardest time for me to eat something because I'm just not hungry. I was able to do that today. I'm going to try maintaining my recommended calorie intake to "lose" of 1230, PLUS exercise, so I actually get a good bit more than that. I'm going to try it for a few weeks and see where that puts me. I just want to keep doing well!!!

Had a good wod the past two days. Yesterday was 20 mins asrap of push press, kb swings and box jumps. I used 55lb, 35 lbs and did step ups and got 10 rounds plus 25. Decent. I like workouts like that where everyone is working the same amount of time, no matter what you are doing for weight or modification.

Today, we did 10 mins every min on the min 2 hang cleans and one power clean. I used 75lbs. 75 was moderately easy for me. But my arms are slightly sore from yesterday. I see no need to tear up my muscles or injure myself, like Andy, a BAD thing. He's so miserable, and I can not wait for him to feel better. His misery is making me miserable. Then we did 3 rounds of deadlifts (105) pull ups (I did ring pull ups) and run 400m. I finished in 10:21?? Somewhere around there. I'm the worst at ADDING up the weights. One very nice lady, Barb, was helping me with some band pull ups after the workout and some other ladies helped out by putting away my bar and informed my that my deadlift was actually 115... Jeez. I should just have someone else set my weight and do it. Then I'd have no idea. I swear sometimes I'm so absent minded...ten pounds isn't a HUGE difference, especially in a dead lift, but it made me feel good to know I did more than I thought I did with zero problem.

I really am thankful that I decided to try crossfit. It's something I really enjoy. It makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something more than just running alone, or when I would go to the gym and just do stuff. There are certain lifts and workouts I dread, but most of the time, if they are on m,w,f I'll go. A good thing. There are some lifts I really like. There are some lifts and exercises I really don't like, and that's probably because I'm not very good at them;) a bad thing.

That's about it. Time for bed!
A yummy meal from the other night.. Tenderloin, carrots galore and mushrooms with cheese!
Another yummy! Chicken, more carrots..I can't seem to get enough, and yucca!
One of my favorite clients, Zebby!
Words can't describe how good it feels to do something you are afraid of. Something you want to do, but are dreading. Something that feels so good when it's done.

That's how I felt about today's "competition". What I learned by competing today, the thing I need to work on most isn't my form or my stamina. It's my ability to compete.

Instead, I found that the majority of the time today, rather than enjoying myself, I was more focused on "how I would rank compared to others". I think I have always been this way. Not just in competitions. Just in general.

My friend Corey said it best on one of my posts, "You are only competing against the person you were yesterday." Deep down, I already knew that. But that's not always what I'm thinking. I told myself on Tuesday when I tried the one WOD, if you beat your time, you win.. And I did. I did 21-21-21-15-15-10 when I tried the workout on Tuesday. Today I did 21-21-21-15-15-15-8. I pr'ed my clean and jerk. 130, twice! And for the other workout? Death by 10m? That was a blind one. I had never done it before.

Before I can be truly good at something, I need to be good to myself and not focus on failure. I need to stop analyzing every single detail, every single time.

Some of the girls today had been doing crossfit for longer than 6 months. I know because they told me. Instead of using that as a springboard to drive me, I dwelled on it. I have been doing it since January 14th. But, also..I'm 38 years old... Not only did they outdo me in experience, but they were also in their early 20's. You simply can't compare apples and oranges.

I met a wonderful girl today named Kara. She had an attitude that I am envious of. She was cheerful the entire time. Didn't have a worried look on her face and just did the workouts. She wasn't there "for a place", and I feel like she got so much more out of today than I did. She enjoyed herself. She cheered for other people. Thankfully, a bit of Kara rubbed off on me.

I DO NOT have to win. I DO NOT. But I do need to learn how to not beat myself up over not being able to be the best at everything, especially not right away. And I do it all of the time.

Before I focus on form, I need to reevaluate my attitude. I need to start feeling good about my accomplishments and stop focusing on my mirage of failures.
The girl In the stripes is Kara. I'm in the yellow. I lifted more weight, but Kara knows more about being a good sport!
Although things are going well, I feel kind of blah.

I don't have as much of an appetite which is blah. I had two eggs, and one pretty big sausage(shut up) for breakfast. A banana and a Lara bar between dog walks and workout number one. A half of a custom fit meal for lunch. An orange before workout number two. A half of a custom fit meal for dinner and some celery stuffed with some cream cheese and dill. I guess maybe that's around 1500-1600 calories? But is that enough with two dog walks? A pretty rough workout and a three mile run? I don't know. But I know, I'm not hungry. I'm just not. So I'm not going to eat anything else right now.

Workout number one was the wod from the Festivus games this weekend. 21-15-9 row for calories, thrusters and burpees. I suppose I didn't do TOO horribly. I, of course, didn't finish them all in 10 minutes. I did it at my regular gym. So between rowing and walking to the aerobic room I lost a little time. I know I did the thrusters correctly because there was a mirror. There were some sad burpees goin on!! But I now have something to beat for Saturday, and I'll be sure to let you know how that goes!!

I also did the big boss run tonight with friends. It felt good. Not a speedy run, but a feel good run. Especially after Monday's killer squat workout.

We still have the dogs. I'm walking about 10 miles a week of dogs.

I'm still playing ruzzle.

I'm sleepy. I'm getting a funky tan from this beautiful weather and all of this outside time. Need sunscreen.


Ale almost escaped today on his magic carpet!
Almost had a nervous cakedown last night. Wanted cake so badly. But... Today makes three months with very little bad sugar. No fast food. No soda. No alcohol or beer. (minus on day on the alcohol). I had ten banana chips with a melted chocolate chip on top instead. I will say it was satisfying. I dried my tears, quite literally.. And moved on.

Followed it all up with some happiness today. Went to the gym. Did just a little bit on the treadmill and some rowing.

Went to old navy. I got some tanks. Guess what! They are MEDIUMS! I am a happy medium! Don't get too excited. Only in this particular style. But.. I don't own much medium anything! Medium, medium, medium!!! It's time to get rid of the tons of xxl I have swarming about the closet.

Also hopped on the scale for the 9,504,673 time this year. It finally told me some good news. 14 pounds away from wedding weight!!

Who thinks I'll get there by June 12th??? I DO!!! We don't have anything special planned... The past several years, I'd sit around in my coat of flab and say...

Maybe next year.. It's finally next year!! And I'm not turning back!

Of course, this is NOT me!! And of course, mine were only $5 in store;) Got yellow, gray and white. Can pass up a good deal. Also, I tend to spill and ruin things quickly!
The dogs are still both here. The man from Ft. Bragg had just finished a 24 hour shift and decided driving to Raleigh wasn't the best idea.. I couldn't agree more. So, Saturday is the day Mia will have a new home. And that new home soon will be in Texas.

Monday night, I went to the NoG run with friends, and tonight did the Big Boss run with mostly the same friends. I really love those nights. It IS my socialization. It's not quite the same not drinking a beer afterwards. Priorities!! On the 92nd day of the year, I can say I've one had drinks on one of those days;) Very proud of myself!!

Went to crossfit on Monday. I knew I was in for a treat when the workout read 100 burpees, run 800m, 100 burpees for time.

I was mentally prepared to do it. I estimated it would take me between 40-50 minutes. 100 burpees. Ok, maybe. But there after, my legs just start to give out and I'm crawling up off of the floor!! Thankfully, as I had suspected, it was an April Fools. The real workout was 5 mins on 5 mins off 5 mins on of 5 burpees 5 situps 5 box jumps. I'm not sure that was the exact workout, but that's what I did. I was the only one there at my class. This happens sometimes. 9:15 is an odd time. Sometimes there are a few people and sometimes not. It's my favorite time, other than noon, but I can't usually make it at noon... Anyways... I did 8 rounds plus the burpees. Those stinking burpees get me every time!!

Speaking of not being able to make it at noon.. I would've used to be able to, but I now have ....17 consistent dog walks a week!! This is great news!!! Add my few hours of tutoring to that and we've got a job!!! Also, I did some brainstorming tonight.. And I think I've devised a plan for the future... Will I make a ton of money doing it? No. Will I remain sane and happy? YES!!!

This week, Andy and I ordered some meals from our gym. Just to try em out. Basically, very healthy.. Rather pricey lean cuisines.. To put it in understandable terms. They are ok... I honestly didn't think they'd be enough food. We ordered large because well.. Andy needs a large, and I figured with me doing the crossfit 3-4 times a week plus 3-4 days of running plus the dog walks, I earned me a large as well. I didn't finish mine tonight. So, I guess I could've gone for a regular. We are going to try them for a few weeks until we are sick of them, or sporadically when we are busy. I'm also excited that our produce box will be coming in the next few weeks!!!

I can't wait for the tax fairy to come. I want some stuff. I don't really need anything, but I'm not going to lie. I want some stuff. Is that so wrong???

Here are some of the fun things I'd want in an Easter basket if I were to receive one, but since I already have of of them... I don't really need an Easter basket... Now do I????

I got chocolate nibs and some knee socks. What did the bunny bring you?

Polar Seltzer Water.. Love this stuff! This flavor tastes like cream soda!
Knee socks!! I did technically get these as my Easter present;) love the stars!!!
Hand cream!! I've gone traditional! Just strawberries!
With all of the poop that I encounter, a little hand sanitizer is a good thing!
Although a huge waste of money, based on unit price...I love these little things. Keep them in the car for chocolate emergencies!
These have turned out to be my favorite running shoes to date!
Basically the only bar that fits the diet. Fruit. Dates. Nuts.
Dogs. Even though this one was wet AND farted when I took his picture.
Cleansing conditioner! Can't live without it!
Obsessed with the pullovers and jackets with the little thingies for your hands. Genius! I got mine in store for $4.26!!!
So.. Andy and I have gone off the deep end and signed ourselves up for a crossfit competition! Not because we think we are good, but because it's for beginners, and since we ARE beginners and this is the only time we ever will meet the beginner criteria, we decided to go for it. It's in two weeks in Winston Salem. I'm sure I'll have lots to talk about once that's done.

Today's WOD was probably one of the hardest yet, and I felt like I did really well. It was three rounds of
10 over head squats (used just the bar)
10 pull ups (ring)
30 jump rope

Run a mile

Three rounds
5 over head squats (bar)
10 hand release push ups
15 kb swings (I used 31kg this is the heaviest I've used)

I finished in 19:43. That may not be earth shattering for some.. But I say I did really well, because I didn't stop while doing anything except for one time on the ring pull ups to get my balance. Otherwise, I kept moving. Keep in mind, the mile IS outside and the second half IS uphill. It probably took me @10:30-11 mins.

Steve talked to us about being careful and policing ourselves. Not using TOO much weight and ending up injured. Evaluating our goals and what we are there for. I'm there to get in shape and lose weight. My goal isn't to do 100 pull ups.. Or squat 200 pounds.. So the modifications I'm using are appropriate.

Yesterday, I ran four miles with Jackie. I enjoyed it. She's a great partner. We run very well together and she's good company, too!

I bought a nice hoochie shirt that I can't wait to wear once it gets warm. It'll look great with some cute earrings I got. Just needs to get warm and I need somewhere to wear it!! I tried it on with the jean skirt I knew it would look cute with. It better hurry up. The jean skirt I could barely get on in January, is already almost falling off. I couldn't believe it. I thought for sure it would just fit. Needs to get warm NOW! I'm not staying where I am for this skirt!

Been eating well, not cheating the past two days, not that I had been before that...Had egg salad and a banana for breakfast. Has two sliders and some veggies for lunch. Tenderloin, cabbage, squash and onion Stirfry and a half of a sweet potato for dinner.

Oh yea. And we still have the foster dogs.....

Probably can't tell that the hoochie top is a tube top! LOL. Love the earrings!
Still have the labs!
Tonight's dinner is delightful! Shrimp, crab legs, lobster tail and asparagus. So exciting for us plain folk. Andy doesn't get as excited as I do..

Today was busy. Some changes in the dog walk world. I will be having an additional 5-6 walks per week for a total of 12-13 walks consistently per week, plus a few additional travel clients tacked on. Someone moved on, so.. More dogs for me. Nice lady though. Sad to see her go.

I went to crossfit this am. Deceiving workout. We did our usual style warm up. Then 7x2 split jerks. I used 95. Then 3 rounds of ten each clean, push press and pull ups (I used the rings). It took me 9:51 and I used 80 pounds. That got pretty darned heavy by the third round!!! Whew!!

Then I went to target and added to my collection of knee socks. I know knee socks and crossfit- cliche' but I don't really give a crap. I wear my knee socks all day long and I love them!! I believe I have about 15 pairs now!! And my compression socks;) Looking for a nice gift for me... Cool knee socks will do the trick!! Just make sure they have good stretch to fit my massively toned calve muscles!!

Love the flamingos!
I also got a sweet deal at old navy yesterday using a snap five. A nice pretty blue running jacket, orig @ 30- $4.26!!!

Shrimp, tail and legs!
Sweaty and scary!
Busy-ish day with the regular stuff going on. First went to crossfit.

WOD was 60 percent front squat- I did 105. 5x3.

Then 5 rounds of weight over head alternating lunges(20), 15 back raises, and 10 toes to bar(I did some leg and lift your butt off of the floor things Steve told me to do.) I finished in 15:04. It wasn't too bad. Then I had some dogs to take care of.

Then a gripe. I had a dr appt. Basically, I paid $50 for 2 minutes of an appointment because they were running "behind" and mine was cut short. If I has stayed my time, I would've then missed my dentist appointment and likely have been charged. WTF? Is my time not important?
I was pretty darn sour. I need to get over it. Not the end of the world. I've been late plenty of times, and since this is the first time it has happened at this particular venue, I'll go back. But jeez. I can still be annoyed.

Then the dentist. I had the wife half of the dentist practice I go to the past two times, and I'm going to be honest... Like night and day. I really like her a lot better than her hubs;) She's way more skilled at what she does!! I've never received a shot of novacaine that didn't least a little
pinch, you know? This lady was magic. She pulled my lip back and forth back and forth and I never even knew she did it!!! Plus, I went for two months taking an incredible amount of ibuprofen from a previous crown, and all she did was a simple bite adjustment(that easily could've been done correctly the FIRST time) and all was instantly fixed, pain wise!! Incredible. I'm not as scared to go now!

Then another dog. Then the nog! Andy came tonight and we had the company of some nice friends. We actually were in a four way tie for first place and two way tie for best team name, but lost both! HA! Still got our run on and had fun. Pam and I were the "shruggers"... Hee Hee!

Wrapped the evening up with yet another dog... And five dogs here, and I'm doggone tired!!!


I'm tired, doggone it!
The morning started off with a "fun run" that was just so-so fun, due to just ok weather. The race organizers were super nice though and the brunch was AwESOme at Tir Na Nog. I'd highly recommend it, if you'd never been. We will definitely go back!! So, for our entry fee of less than $50, we walked away with our bellies full from two brunches ($24 is the normal cost) , and two t-shirts each. They had extras from an old race. AND they had a door prize, in which I predicted one of us would SURELY win once they said what it was!! DOG DAYS FIVE 5k!! LOL!! I said, we so will win this for fostering those dogs. The words rolled out of my mouth, and she called my number, 1850!! So, August 3rd, I have a free entry to another race;) good things do happen! The race was untimed, but had it been, another girl and I who ran together(with Andy who ran at my pace) surely would've come in last;) BUT- I ran a 5k in under 38 minutes outside and that included a few stoplights and stopping and starting, I tried to pause my runkeeper, but it didn't always flow. I wish I could make my legs propel fast like on that treadmill!! Someday, my friends!!!

So, next we took those dogs to the adoption event. The people who were interested in Mia decided to go with another dog. A family is filling out an application on Max, so he may have a home, come Wednesday. I love them
dearly, but they need a forever home! If we had a bigger house and yard, it would certainly be much more convenient, and a maid would be nice!!

We got some of our grocery shopping done. Went to Aldi and Harris Teeter. Got a lot of produce and didn't spend a ton of money. Had wings and homemade sweet potato fries for dinner.

Did I mention I had a small cupcake at the brunch? It was red velvet, with cream cheese icing. Andy had a bite, also. So technically I didn't even eat the whole thing. And it was small. And I don't feel bad. Because the devil made me do it!

I wanted to add some interesting footage I came across as I was sifting through old fb photos. I weighed this afternoon.. ( I always am getting on the scale.. I know I know) I now have seen officially, 50 pounds less than my highest weight!!! Wanna see????? I've added a few of the befores and a fairly recent to give you an idea of what has happened!!!

Race shirt
Free shirt
I didn't recognize myself. Makes me never want to drink again.
Two weeks ago.
Valentines day ish.