Busy-ish day with the regular stuff going on. First went to crossfit.

WOD was 60 percent front squat- I did 105. 5x3.

Then 5 rounds of weight over head alternating lunges(20), 15 back raises, and 10 toes to bar(I did some leg and lift your butt off of the floor things Steve told me to do.) I finished in 15:04. It wasn't too bad. Then I had some dogs to take care of.

Then a gripe. I had a dr appt. Basically, I paid $50 for 2 minutes of an appointment because they were running "behind" and mine was cut short. If I has stayed my time, I would've then missed my dentist appointment and likely have been charged. WTF? Is my time not important?
I was pretty darn sour. I need to get over it. Not the end of the world. I've been late plenty of times, and since this is the first time it has happened at this particular venue, I'll go back. But jeez. I can still be annoyed.

Then the dentist. I had the wife half of the dentist practice I go to the past two times, and I'm going to be honest... Like night and day. I really like her a lot better than her hubs;) She's way more skilled at what she does!! I've never received a shot of novacaine that didn't hurt..at least a little
pinch, you know? This lady was magic. She pulled my lip back and forth back and forth and I never even knew she did it!!! Plus, I went for two months taking an incredible amount of ibuprofen from a previous crown, and all she did was a simple bite adjustment(that easily could've been done correctly the FIRST time) and all was instantly fixed, pain wise!! Incredible. I'm not as scared to go now!

Then another dog. Then the nog! Andy came tonight and we had the company of some nice friends. We actually were in a four way tie for first place and two way tie for best team name, but lost both! HA! Still got our run on and had fun. Pam and I were the "shruggers"... Hee Hee!

Wrapped the evening up with yet another dog... And five dogs here, and I'm doggone tired!!!


I'm tired, doggone it!

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