The dogs are still both here. The man from Ft. Bragg had just finished a 24 hour shift and decided driving to Raleigh wasn't the best idea.. I couldn't agree more. So, Saturday is the day Mia will have a new home. And that new home soon will be in Texas.

Monday night, I went to the NoG run with friends, and tonight did the Big Boss run with mostly the same friends. I really love those nights. It IS my socialization. It's not quite the same not drinking a beer afterwards. Priorities!! On the 92nd day of the year, I can say I've one had drinks on one of those days;) Very proud of myself!!

Went to crossfit on Monday. I knew I was in for a treat when the workout read 100 burpees, run 800m, 100 burpees for time.

I was mentally prepared to do it. I estimated it would take me between 40-50 minutes. 100 burpees. Ok, maybe. But there after, my legs just start to give out and I'm crawling up off of the floor!! Thankfully, as I had suspected, it was an April Fools. The real workout was 5 mins on 5 mins off 5 mins on of 5 burpees 5 situps 5 box jumps. I'm not sure that was the exact workout, but that's what I did. I was the only one there at my class. This happens sometimes. 9:15 is an odd time. Sometimes there are a few people and sometimes not. It's my favorite time, other than noon, but I can't usually make it at noon... Anyways... I did 8 rounds plus the burpees. Those stinking burpees get me every time!!

Speaking of not being able to make it at noon.. I would've used to be able to, but I now have ....17 consistent dog walks a week!! This is great news!!! Add my few hours of tutoring to that and we've got a job!!! Also, I did some brainstorming tonight.. And I think I've devised a plan for the future... Will I make a ton of money doing it? No. Will I remain sane and happy? YES!!!

This week, Andy and I ordered some meals from our gym. Just to try em out. Basically, very healthy.. Rather pricey lean cuisines.. To put it in understandable terms. They are ok... I honestly didn't think they'd be enough food. We ordered large because well.. Andy needs a large, and I figured with me doing the crossfit 3-4 times a week plus 3-4 days of running plus the dog walks, I earned me a large as well. I didn't finish mine tonight. So, I guess I could've gone for a regular. We are going to try them for a few weeks until we are sick of them, or sporadically when we are busy. I'm also excited that our produce box will be coming in the next few weeks!!!

I can't wait for the tax fairy to come. I want some stuff. I don't really need anything, but I'm not going to lie. I want some stuff. Is that so wrong???

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