Tonight's dinner is delightful! Shrimp, crab legs, lobster tail and asparagus. So exciting for us plain folk. Andy doesn't get as excited as I do..

Today was busy. Some changes in the dog walk world. I will be having an additional 5-6 walks per week for a total of 12-13 walks consistently per week, plus a few additional travel clients tacked on. Someone moved on, so.. More dogs for me. Nice lady though. Sad to see her go.

I went to crossfit this am. Deceiving workout. We did our usual style warm up. Then 7x2 split jerks. I used 95. Then 3 rounds of ten each clean, push press and pull ups (I used the rings). It took me 9:51 and I used 80 pounds. That got pretty darned heavy by the third round!!! Whew!!

Then I went to target and added to my collection of knee socks. I know knee socks and crossfit- cliche' but I don't really give a crap. I wear my knee socks all day long and I love them!! I believe I have about 15 pairs now!! And my compression socks;) Looking for a nice gift for me... Cool knee socks will do the trick!! Just make sure they have good stretch to fit my massively toned calve muscles!!

Love the flamingos!
I also got a sweet deal at old navy yesterday using a snap five. A nice pretty blue running jacket, orig @ 30- $4.26!!!

Shrimp, tail and legs!
Sweaty and scary!

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