It's almost June, Anakin's birthday month. He will be eleven on June 6. Anita will be eleven on July 25th. Generally, we celebrate birthdays, but when it comes to dogs getting older, I kind of dread them. It means one day closer to not having them around any more. I love Anakin and Anita a bit more than the others, mostly because they've bender around the longest. Anakin sleeps beside me every night and Anita just adores me. Dogs do have personalities and these two are definitely the sweetest. I love Bode and Max, too. Yes, Max. We are keeping him. It's the best decision for everyone. He has separation anxiety and my schedule allows for him not to be left for long periods of time. Plus, he gets along with our dogs, and since he's gotten to know Anakin and Anita that just makes me feel a little better, somehow.

I've still been working my butt off this week at crossfit. Monday was a brutal arms workout, pullups and pushups. Tuesday was this ridiculous mess of deadlifts and box jumps and wall balls and cleans and push presses. Wednesday was running, situps and jumprope. Today on open gym day, I kind of just messed around doing some double unders and some band pullups and some rowing. Then I walked dogs and ran two separate miles under ten minutes. Tomorrow it supposed to be burpees and thrusters. Not an ideal combo before Galloway on Saturday.. But the more ridiculous the workout it seems the more I want to do it, if I'm not too sore. I was still a bit sore from deadlifts on Tuesday, so I opted to do my own thing today instead of what some other folks were doing. I sometimes forget that I'm almost 38 and I'm not as resilent as some of these younger people, as much as I would love to be!! I do regret not taking control of myself sooner, but I am super proud of myself for setting a goal this year and solidly sticking to it!!

I bought a bikini today at old navy for $1.05;) it's Adoreable! I'd love to post a picture, but I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, although I have to admit.. I've seen worse!! And at $1.05? If I wear it once, or use it to lay out on the deck, it's worth it!! There's a certain point when bikinis get gross on women and that's when you start feeling gross in them. I didn't actually feel too gross in it, so I'll wear it! If we ever go to the beach,that is!

Although the numbers on the scale haven't been moving much, I feel stronger. As a matter of fact, once we weigh in at the gym and for my frumpy contest in two weeks, I'm seriously considering giving up the scale.
I'm eating well. I'm not eating crap. The scale is doing nothing but frustrating me. I'm lifting weights. My body is changing in some way. I think once I measure, I'm going to go with that. And not weight for awhile. It's too disappointing!!

Anyways!! I had some positive workouts the past two days. I did an rx workout yesterday along with two other amazing things. 50 double unders!! (not in a row) and some band pull ups. I really need a lot of work on both of those, but I'm going to start going in on Thursdays and practicing. Pretty sure the double unders will come WELL before any kind of rhythmic pull ups.

Anyways, yesterday I did the workout Grace, which is 30 clean and jerks from the ground. The good thing is I used the rx weight of 95 pounds. It's supposed to be for time. I started off the first 5 nice and fast and then talked with Logan for probably about :45 or so about how to drop the bar;) and then continued. Also, while I was doing it, a very nice girl, I believe her name is Krista was helping me some. I think had a paced myself better, I could've done it in around 5 minutes. It took me 7:06. But it was my first try, and I used 95 lbs;) Sooo, I don't have a lot to beat next time;) Happy about that!!

Today's workout was a hard one to follow Grace, unfortunately. Because I have half marathon training Saturday, I needed to go. It was 12 minutes of 2 deadlifts one hang clean and one jerk. I was able to use 75 pounds comfortably. I racked the bar with 95 and realized I couldn't hang clean 95 very well!! Maybe without having done Grace the day before the results would've been different?!?!

Then we did Fran. Another hard one. 21-15-9. 65 pound thruster, and pull ups.

I used the rx weight of 65 pounds for thrusters and just did ring pull ups for the pull ups. I was pretty darn happy I did the first 21 thrusters unbroken. I do have some strong legs. I also did the first 21 pull ups unbroken. Then I had to break each remaining set up. If I build some endurance, i could probably take a minute off of that. It took me 5:35.

Over all, I felt pretty good about this week's workouts. I love the feeling of reading what's posted and kind of wondering can I really do that?!?!? I've yet to completely fail. I love that I'm starting to be able to meet some of the rx standards! But it's nice to know the things that I need modified CAN be modified to fit my abilities;)

The first 5k I ever "ran" well, jogged, very slowly was about 3 years ago and it took me over 45 minutes. Then last year, I got more serious about trying to pick up the pace and joined a beginning running group. My best timed official 5k was 38:32. That was in September. 8 months later, and on a hilly terrain, I ran 3.2 miles (a little more than a 5k) in 34:18!! 4 minutes and 14 seconds improvement!! I'll take it!!

I really think I can shave even a little more time off if the course is a little more flat!!

I don't plan on running any timed 5ks in the near future, with Galloway training starting this weekend.

I'm happy that although I'm slow compared to some, I'm getting faster! It's exciting so see progress that can be measured!

I like thinking about the fact that since I first tried with effort, three years ago, I can do three miles more than ten minutes faster than when I began;)

Today, we completed another benchmark workout. I remember doing this one in the beginning, but I believe it was scaled. I think I only did 200m run instead of 400m run.

Today we did Helen.

3 rounds of
400m run
21 kb swings (35)
12 pull ups ( I still use rings)

I thought about what my fastest mile time was back in March, @ 9 minutes, x .75= 6.75, and then 3 rounds of kb and the pull ups 1.25x3=3.75, then 6.75+3.75=10.5 then add a minute because surely I'd be tired.. So my goal for Helen today was to finish under 12 minutes.

Smoked it.


That is all. I feel like a kid in gym class that just got a star;)
Still keeping it going. This week we have done some more benchmark workouts. I didn't really have ones to compare them with at the beginning, but over all, I'm pleased with how I did.

We did Cindy, 5 pull ups, 10 push ups and 15 squats. I did 17 rounds plus 10, which I KNOW is a ton more than I could've done at the beginning. We also did Olympic total, which is one rep max of snatch and clean and jerk. I got 230. 100 on snatch and 130 on clean and jerk. I'm definitely showing progress and coming along how I should be. Now is the hard part. The part where I'll be progressing more slowly and won't be seeing the huge gains in numbers. On March 8th, I did 85 snatch and 120 clean and jerk. So, I lifted a total of 25 more pounds in just two months!! I don't feel that much stronger. I think it's more the practice. I have to say, I can lift much more than I ever thought possible, and I am enjoying doing it way more than I ever thought I would as well!

I'm sooo excited for half marathon training to start! The info session is this Saturday!! I'm excited to have a few people I know doing it along with me! Fortunately, I have four, yes four brand new pairs of shoes to see me through it!! Ha! That should last me 2 years;)

I made one of my favorite meals last night. It does have cheese in it. I don't do cheese as often as I used to, but this is a must for this meal. Reuben salad. Delicious! The 1000 island dressing is homemade as well!

Reuben salad!
This is a workout I have been waiting to do for awhile. It will be even more exciting to do a few months from now to see if I have gotten any stronger. Hopefully, that will happen, or some type of balance will maintain, especially if I continue to lose weight and reach my weight goal, which is only 25-30 pounds away!! When that happens, I'd imagine it will be a bit more difficult for me to lift as heavy of weights, but what's good is, I think it may have been to my advantage to have started weight lifting out as a heavier girl. I can see what it feels like to lift a lot of weight. I certainly did that today!!

Crossfit total:

High bar back squat- 230. ( I didn't actually do any failed attempts. This lift scares me a bit. I don't want to hurt myself. I think in the future, I will be able to PR at at least 250 or maybe higher.) NEW SHOES made a huge difference in my balance. Just two weeks ago, I PR'ed at 205 and that was a struggle. Today it was not a struggle at 230.

Shoulder press- 85. This is definitely my weakest lift. Enough said.

Dead lift-275. Had failed attempts at 285.

My first crossfit total is... 590!!!!!!

This chart MAY be complete bs... But if it's true, I'm doing well at what I'm doing. I'm between 165-181, and my total would fall in the advanced column for women;););)

Since I've only been training for 16 weeks, this is motivating. I'm very driven by numbers.

A little hard work and dedication sure makes one feel good!

Listening to Ma Body..
As hard as it was, I skipped crossfit this morning. I never thought it would be a hard decision to "skip" a workout, but I really love going!! Alas, I knew if I went there today, I'd push too hard and hurt muscles that were already hurting pretty badly. So, as one of the coaches said, I decided to "police myself".

I went to my regular gym and did SOME of the workout. I did the 3x10 50%front squat. I used 95. I felt like quite a dumbass. I never used the lifting area in the gym before and had to ask where the clips were. I did like the fact that there were mirrors and I could at least check my own form, since the grunter to my right certainly wasn't going to do it for me..

Then I did some sit ups and walked and jogged on the treadmill and that was about it. My arms and shoulder are seriously still burning from Friday and Saturday's workout and what was listed today would surely have aggravated that further. So I'm being smart. I'm doing so well and now is NOT the time to get sidelined with an injury!!

The whole no sugar thing has been going surprisingly well. I've stayed well under 25g for the past 2 days. No withdrawal symptoms, tiredness or crankiness. I guess because I hadn't really been in taking that much sugar to begin with the past four months. Ah the wonders of self control.

I'm getting ready to do a four month motivational write up that I'm sure you'll all enjoy very much! Be on the lookout!
My eating habits have stayed in the fantastic range, I must admit. And the scale dipped again today. But as it will, I don't get too excited until I see the same number a few times. I fluctuate up and down the same pounds for a few days then drop, but its always nice to see a new number for the first time in many years;) I really wish I weren't such a victim to the scale, because I shouldn't be gauging my success solely on that stupid thing.

Had a good crossfit workout yesterday. Technically speaking, I RX'ed it. I used the prescribed weights and did everything that the workout called for. But... If I'm being completely honest with myself, if I were to do it again, I wouldn't use 65 pounds for overhead squats again yet. It was too heavy for me. I wasn't able to squat deep enough to make it worth it. But... I learned that. I should've stopped and taken some weight off. 50 probably would've been appropriate, but I was trying to be tough girl and wanted to prove something to myself. Well, I did. I proved I won't be doing overhead squats at 65 any time soon again. There's no point yet. I'm not ready. On a positive note, I AM ready to do ten minutes worth of rounds of box jumps. I did just fine with those by pacing myself. Score. I also practiced double unders again. I need to focus on ME and not worry about how good everyone else it, although it is tempting;)

Today I just walked my dog clients. Took it easy. I need to incorporate some rest days. The focus of the next two weeks, strict sugar intake. I'm going to try to follow the guideline of 25g or less a day by upping my protein intake and see where that takes me;)

Made corned beef and cabbage tonight. It's still cooking. Yet another roadblock. It's nearly ten o'clock and I haven't had dinner. Although I did have a snack around 6:30.

We are all a work in progress!
Yesterday Andy and I went to Raleigh's Memorial run to honor those injured and lost at last weeks Boston Marathon. A great community event. Very sad for those affected.

Took flat Stanley along for the run. Had it been an actual race, it would've been a PR for me! 11:08 pace for 3 miles;) And it felt good!

In September, my first 5k, my pace was 12:10. A whole minute faster a mile in a few months? I'll take it! The course wasn't quite as hilly, but I also wasn't quite as tired, and it also wasn't and official race. I'll tell you what though. Running with a huge herd of people makes it a LOT less tiring.

Had another PR this am at Cross fit. 205 pounds for high bar back squat. I didn't think I would make it over 200 pounds so soon! But here we are! I do have some strong legs;) I hope I can keep it up! Also, the rare occasion I like seeing my weigh over 200 pounds...

Then we worked on clean and jerk. I'm such an idiot sometimes. I had the bar all f'ed up for the first four sets I did and didn't even notice... Whoops! Heavier on one side than on the other..not good for the back..Johnny helped me get myself straightened out and I ended up using 95 for the remaining sets instead of whatever in the world I was using before that.

Then we did some 300y shuttle run thing. I'm not so good at that. But that's ok. I'll get better. I also did some double unders this morning!! In a row! The pattern that works best for me is du regular du regular. Hopefully, I can start to omit that regular and start getting some rx workouts soon!!I just want SOME. I feel like I'm getting PLENTY out of what I'm already doing, but it sure would feel good to do an rx workout at some point. And I'm confident that I will.

Flat Stanley and I...
Had a good workout this am. We did 96 percent of our max deadlift. Once again, I've mentioned, I don't have a max, yet.. But this is pretty close.

Two weeks ago, we did a deadlift wod. I did a few sets of 185, and it felt pretty heavy. Today we did 2 sets of 3. Steve said it shouldn't be touch and go, should rest a few seconds in between tough. So I kept adding. I felt the tough coming on at 245!! 60 more pounds than I allowed myself to do a few weeks ago. Now, don't think I've magically gotten that strong. It's not that. I think I'm just being careful. I don't want to hurt myself. I think I maybe could've done a little more, but 245 was pretty tough, and knowing what was coming up, I stuck with it.

The wod was 21-15-9 deadlift and handstand push ups. I do mine on a box. They are pretty weak. I know that. But I'll get better eventually. I was happy that I was able to use the prescribed weight of 155 for the workout. I usually am not able to do so.

So I felt pretty good. Then I continued my day.. But here's what happens. I eat breakfast. (probably not enough) I go to cf. I come home for 30-45 and I'm not really hungry and I'll eat a little something.. Today I had a protein shake. Then I'll go from say 10:30-4 with nothing and I'm starving and dead tired. Mind you I'm also walking dogs during this time. I need to start taking stuff with me, but usually I have some kind of a lunch at home, and I don't want to "spoil" it. First world problems.

Then I eat lunch late, And a big dinner. My calories are right, just at the wrong time.

I just need a better plan.

Finally got the iPad I've wanted forever. Got it ready to go.. And the power goes out;( sad panda over here. There will be plenty of time to play later, I suppose.

Tomorrow, the plan is to go to crossfit in the am, meet Andy's dad for lunch, and maybe a run in the afternoon. Then Sunday, a run to honor those killed and injured in Boston.

Next week is filled with dogs. 24 visits as of right now next week, and that could go up. This is turning into a full time job!! One I can't really complain about!