So.. Andy and I have gone off the deep end and signed ourselves up for a crossfit competition! Not because we think we are good, but because it's for beginners, and since we ARE beginners and this is the only time we ever will meet the beginner criteria, we decided to go for it. It's in two weeks in Winston Salem. I'm sure I'll have lots to talk about once that's done.

Today's WOD was probably one of the hardest yet, and I felt like I did really well. It was three rounds of
10 over head squats (used just the bar)
10 pull ups (ring)
30 jump rope

Run a mile

Three rounds
5 over head squats (bar)
10 hand release push ups
15 kb swings (I used 31kg this is the heaviest I've used)

I finished in 19:43. That may not be earth shattering for some.. But I say I did really well, because I didn't stop while doing anything except for one time on the ring pull ups to get my balance. Otherwise, I kept moving. Keep in mind, the mile IS outside and the second half IS uphill. It probably took me @10:30-11 mins.

Steve talked to us about being careful and policing ourselves. Not using TOO much weight and ending up injured. Evaluating our goals and what we are there for. I'm there to get in shape and lose weight. My goal isn't to do 100 pull ups.. Or squat 200 pounds.. So the modifications I'm using are appropriate.

Yesterday, I ran four miles with Jackie. I enjoyed it. She's a great partner. We run very well together and she's good company, too!

I bought a nice hoochie shirt that I can't wait to wear once it gets warm. It'll look great with some cute earrings I got. Just needs to get warm and I need somewhere to wear it!! I tried it on with the jean skirt I knew it would look cute with. It better hurry up. The jean skirt I could barely get on in January, is already almost falling off. I couldn't believe it. I thought for sure it would just fit. Needs to get warm NOW! I'm not staying where I am for this skirt!

Been eating well, not cheating the past two days, not that I had been before that...Had egg salad and a banana for breakfast. Has two sliders and some veggies for lunch. Tenderloin, cabbage, squash and onion Stirfry and a half of a sweet potato for dinner.

Oh yea. And we still have the foster dogs.....

Probably can't tell that the hoochie top is a tube top! LOL. Love the earrings!
Still have the labs!
Nancy Loskoch
3/29/2013 10:54:24 am

I love hoochie shirts! :)


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