There are some good things going on...

I have 15 regular dog walks a week! Every day, when I'm outside walking dogs, I think about how lucky I am to be doing just that!! Walking dogs!! It's really delightful. Some dogs are better walkers than others, but I walk about 10-12 miles a week with the regula clients. Paid exercise and sunshine. Bad thing, I decided to "work on my farmer's tan" today, and wore a strapless shirt for the dog walks. I usually stuff my keys into my bra, but since I wasn't wearing one, I got confused and locked them in the car. A bad thing. Luckily, roadside assistance was there within 30 minutes, so I wasn't late for any appointments. A good thing.
I guess that's what happens to hoochie dog walkers that don't wear bras?

On the downside, between that and crossfit, it's wearing me out from being in the sun. I don't feel like running as much at night and I found myself skipping the Monday night nog run and Tuesday Big Boss run. That's a bad thing. Perhaps once I get used to the warmer weather it wont seem so tough?

A good thing.. The overall results from the competition this weekend were posted!! I placed 168/452!! Pretty close to the top 1/3!! That makes me happy. I can honestly feel myself getting stronger.

I'm still eating well. Not allowing bad things to slip into my diet (with the exception of the second drinking night of the year this past weekend). But my weight loss painfully slow now. That's a bad thing. I started doing my fitness pal and am trying yet again to get a bit more technical with things. I really feel some days I am not eating enough. Bad thing. I think I may be gaining muscle? Good thing? I don't know. I'm just trying to be patient and continue forward and not backward, a good thing!

I did buy some protien shake mix today, to force down after my morning crossfit. That's the hardest time for me to eat something because I'm just not hungry. I was able to do that today. I'm going to try maintaining my recommended calorie intake to "lose" of 1230, PLUS exercise, so I actually get a good bit more than that. I'm going to try it for a few weeks and see where that puts me. I just want to keep doing well!!!

Had a good wod the past two days. Yesterday was 20 mins asrap of push press, kb swings and box jumps. I used 55lb, 35 lbs and did step ups and got 10 rounds plus 25. Decent. I like workouts like that where everyone is working the same amount of time, no matter what you are doing for weight or modification.

Today, we did 10 mins every min on the min 2 hang cleans and one power clean. I used 75lbs. 75 was moderately easy for me. But my arms are slightly sore from yesterday. I see no need to tear up my muscles or injure myself, like Andy, a BAD thing. He's so miserable, and I can not wait for him to feel better. His misery is making me miserable. Then we did 3 rounds of deadlifts (105) pull ups (I did ring pull ups) and run 400m. I finished in 10:21?? Somewhere around there. I'm the worst at ADDING up the weights. One very nice lady, Barb, was helping me with some band pull ups after the workout and some other ladies helped out by putting away my bar and informed my that my deadlift was actually 115... Jeez. I should just have someone else set my weight and do it. Then I'd have no idea. I swear sometimes I'm so absent minded...ten pounds isn't a HUGE difference, especially in a dead lift, but it made me feel good to know I did more than I thought I did with zero problem.

I really am thankful that I decided to try crossfit. It's something I really enjoy. It makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something more than just running alone, or when I would go to the gym and just do stuff. There are certain lifts and workouts I dread, but most of the time, if they are on m,w,f I'll go. A good thing. There are some lifts I really like. There are some lifts and exercises I really don't like, and that's probably because I'm not very good at them;) a bad thing.

That's about it. Time for bed!
A yummy meal from the other night.. Tenderloin, carrots galore and mushrooms with cheese!
Another yummy! Chicken, more carrots..I can't seem to get enough, and yucca!
One of my favorite clients, Zebby!

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