Still keeping it going. This week we have done some more benchmark workouts. I didn't really have ones to compare them with at the beginning, but over all, I'm pleased with how I did.

We did Cindy, 5 pull ups, 10 push ups and 15 squats. I did 17 rounds plus 10, which I KNOW is a ton more than I could've done at the beginning. We also did Olympic total, which is one rep max of snatch and clean and jerk. I got 230. 100 on snatch and 130 on clean and jerk. I'm definitely showing progress and coming along how I should be. Now is the hard part. The part where I'll be progressing more slowly and won't be seeing the huge gains in numbers. On March 8th, I did 85 snatch and 120 clean and jerk. So, I lifted a total of 25 more pounds in just two months!! I don't feel that much stronger. I think it's more the practice. I have to say, I can lift much more than I ever thought possible, and I am enjoying doing it way more than I ever thought I would as well!

I'm sooo excited for half marathon training to start! The info session is this Saturday!! I'm excited to have a few people I know doing it along with me! Fortunately, I have four, yes four brand new pairs of shoes to see me through it!! Ha! That should last me 2 years;)

I made one of my favorite meals last night. It does have cheese in it. I don't do cheese as often as I used to, but this is a must for this meal. Reuben salad. Delicious! The 1000 island dressing is homemade as well!

Reuben salad!

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