It's almost June, Anakin's birthday month. He will be eleven on June 6. Anita will be eleven on July 25th. Generally, we celebrate birthdays, but when it comes to dogs getting older, I kind of dread them. It means one day closer to not having them around any more. I love Anakin and Anita a bit more than the others, mostly because they've bender around the longest. Anakin sleeps beside me every night and Anita just adores me. Dogs do have personalities and these two are definitely the sweetest. I love Bode and Max, too. Yes, Max. We are keeping him. It's the best decision for everyone. He has separation anxiety and my schedule allows for him not to be left for long periods of time. Plus, he gets along with our dogs, and since he's gotten to know Anakin and Anita that just makes me feel a little better, somehow.

I've still been working my butt off this week at crossfit. Monday was a brutal arms workout, pullups and pushups. Tuesday was this ridiculous mess of deadlifts and box jumps and wall balls and cleans and push presses. Wednesday was running, situps and jumprope. Today on open gym day, I kind of just messed around doing some double unders and some band pullups and some rowing. Then I walked dogs and ran two separate miles under ten minutes. Tomorrow it supposed to be burpees and thrusters. Not an ideal combo before Galloway on Saturday.. But the more ridiculous the workout it seems the more I want to do it, if I'm not too sore. I was still a bit sore from deadlifts on Tuesday, so I opted to do my own thing today instead of what some other folks were doing. I sometimes forget that I'm almost 38 and I'm not as resilent as some of these younger people, as much as I would love to be!! I do regret not taking control of myself sooner, but I am super proud of myself for setting a goal this year and solidly sticking to it!!

I bought a bikini today at old navy for $1.05;) it's Adoreable! I'd love to post a picture, but I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, although I have to admit.. I've seen worse!! And at $1.05? If I wear it once, or use it to lay out on the deck, it's worth it!! There's a certain point when bikinis get gross on women and that's when you start feeling gross in them. I didn't actually feel too gross in it, so I'll wear it! If we ever go to the beach,that is!

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