Listening to Ma Body..
As hard as it was, I skipped crossfit this morning. I never thought it would be a hard decision to "skip" a workout, but I really love going!! Alas, I knew if I went there today, I'd push too hard and hurt muscles that were already hurting pretty badly. So, as one of the coaches said, I decided to "police myself".

I went to my regular gym and did SOME of the workout. I did the 3x10 50%front squat. I used 95. I felt like quite a dumbass. I never used the lifting area in the gym before and had to ask where the clips were. I did like the fact that there were mirrors and I could at least check my own form, since the grunter to my right certainly wasn't going to do it for me..

Then I did some sit ups and walked and jogged on the treadmill and that was about it. My arms and shoulder are seriously still burning from Friday and Saturday's workout and what was listed today would surely have aggravated that further. So I'm being smart. I'm doing so well and now is NOT the time to get sidelined with an injury!!

The whole no sugar thing has been going surprisingly well. I've stayed well under 25g for the past 2 days. No withdrawal symptoms, tiredness or crankiness. I guess because I hadn't really been in taking that much sugar to begin with the past four months. Ah the wonders of self control.

I'm getting ready to do a four month motivational write up that I'm sure you'll all enjoy very much! Be on the lookout!

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