My eating habits have stayed in the fantastic range, I must admit. And the scale dipped again today. But as it will, I don't get too excited until I see the same number a few times. I fluctuate up and down the same pounds for a few days then drop, but its always nice to see a new number for the first time in many years;) I really wish I weren't such a victim to the scale, because I shouldn't be gauging my success solely on that stupid thing.

Had a good crossfit workout yesterday. Technically speaking, I RX'ed it. I used the prescribed weights and did everything that the workout called for. But... If I'm being completely honest with myself, if I were to do it again, I wouldn't use 65 pounds for overhead squats again yet. It was too heavy for me. I wasn't able to squat deep enough to make it worth it. But... I learned that. I should've stopped and taken some weight off. 50 probably would've been appropriate, but I was trying to be tough girl and wanted to prove something to myself. Well, I did. I proved I won't be doing overhead squats at 65 any time soon again. There's no point yet. I'm not ready. On a positive note, I AM ready to do ten minutes worth of rounds of box jumps. I did just fine with those by pacing myself. Score. I also practiced double unders again. I need to focus on ME and not worry about how good everyone else it, although it is tempting;)

Today I just walked my dog clients. Took it easy. I need to incorporate some rest days. The focus of the next two weeks, strict sugar intake. I'm going to try to follow the guideline of 25g or less a day by upping my protein intake and see where that takes me;)

Made corned beef and cabbage tonight. It's still cooking. Yet another roadblock. It's nearly ten o'clock and I haven't had dinner. Although I did have a snack around 6:30.

We are all a work in progress!

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