Yesterday Andy and I went to Raleigh's Memorial run to honor those injured and lost at last weeks Boston Marathon. A great community event. Very sad for those affected.

Took flat Stanley along for the run. Had it been an actual race, it would've been a PR for me! 11:08 pace for 3 miles;) And it felt good!

In September, my first 5k, my pace was 12:10. A whole minute faster a mile in a few months? I'll take it! The course wasn't quite as hilly, but I also wasn't quite as tired, and it also wasn't and official race. I'll tell you what though. Running with a huge herd of people makes it a LOT less tiring.

Had another PR this am at Cross fit. 205 pounds for high bar back squat. I didn't think I would make it over 200 pounds so soon! But here we are! I do have some strong legs;) I hope I can keep it up! Also, the rare occasion I like seeing my weigh over 200 pounds...

Then we worked on clean and jerk. I'm such an idiot sometimes. I had the bar all f'ed up for the first four sets I did and didn't even notice... Whoops! Heavier on one side than on the other..not good for the back..Johnny helped me get myself straightened out and I ended up using 95 for the remaining sets instead of whatever in the world I was using before that.

Then we did some 300y shuttle run thing. I'm not so good at that. But that's ok. I'll get better. I also did some double unders this morning!! In a row! The pattern that works best for me is du regular du regular. Hopefully, I can start to omit that regular and start getting some rx workouts soon!!I just want SOME. I feel like I'm getting PLENTY out of what I'm already doing, but it sure would feel good to do an rx workout at some point. And I'm confident that I will.

Flat Stanley and I...

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