Although the numbers on the scale haven't been moving much, I feel stronger. As a matter of fact, once we weigh in at the gym and for my frumpy contest in two weeks, I'm seriously considering giving up the scale.
I'm eating well. I'm not eating crap. The scale is doing nothing but frustrating me. I'm lifting weights. My body is changing in some way. I think once I measure, I'm going to go with that. And not weight for awhile. It's too disappointing!!

Anyways!! I had some positive workouts the past two days. I did an rx workout yesterday along with two other amazing things. 50 double unders!! (not in a row) and some band pull ups. I really need a lot of work on both of those, but I'm going to start going in on Thursdays and practicing. Pretty sure the double unders will come WELL before any kind of rhythmic pull ups.

Anyways, yesterday I did the workout Grace, which is 30 clean and jerks from the ground. The good thing is I used the rx weight of 95 pounds. It's supposed to be for time. I started off the first 5 nice and fast and then talked with Logan for probably about :45 or so about how to drop the bar;) and then continued. Also, while I was doing it, a very nice girl, I believe her name is Krista was helping me some. I think had a paced myself better, I could've done it in around 5 minutes. It took me 7:06. But it was my first try, and I used 95 lbs;) Sooo, I don't have a lot to beat next time;) Happy about that!!

Today's workout was a hard one to follow Grace, unfortunately. Because I have half marathon training Saturday, I needed to go. It was 12 minutes of 2 deadlifts one hang clean and one jerk. I was able to use 75 pounds comfortably. I racked the bar with 95 and realized I couldn't hang clean 95 very well!! Maybe without having done Grace the day before the results would've been different?!?!

Then we did Fran. Another hard one. 21-15-9. 65 pound thruster, and pull ups.

I used the rx weight of 65 pounds for thrusters and just did ring pull ups for the pull ups. I was pretty darn happy I did the first 21 thrusters unbroken. I do have some strong legs. I also did the first 21 pull ups unbroken. Then I had to break each remaining set up. If I build some endurance, i could probably take a minute off of that. It took me 5:35.

Over all, I felt pretty good about this week's workouts. I love the feeling of reading what's posted and kind of wondering can I really do that?!?!? I've yet to completely fail. I love that I'm starting to be able to meet some of the rx standards! But it's nice to know the things that I need modified CAN be modified to fit my abilities;)

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