Strong. 3x8 245. Felt good and smooth.

Doing what I love, loving what I do.

Oh my. Adding video is $59.99 for 6 months?

Holy crap. Follow me on Instagram.




The real reason in writing all of this is...


I am most content when I am writing because I can truly say what I think, with no judgement. I can put myself out there on paper.


The others can choose to crumple me up.


Only I decide whether to crumple myself up, or to write myself down.

I chose this picture because, on that very day, I chose to be crumpled.

My present and future self is glad that I crumpled in that moment. If I hadn't, I wouldn't be near as strong as I am today!



I will be better by...recognizing my own flaws. I can be more patient. I can let someone else go in front of me at the grocery store. I can flash my lights, and let someone else...go first. I can let things from my past, go. I can forbid new challenges in my life, from holding me back.

What can YOU do, to BE BETTER?


I can give more by...being a better listener. I can ask more questions, instead of demanding answers. I can think about what someone else has to say...before I say something about myself. I can volunteer more of my time, to help other people. I will give the gift of myself, to others. I can be more thoughtful. I can obey common courtesy...such as being on time, or early. I can also send a note or card in the mail, instead of a text.

What else can you do to GIVE MORE?


I can worry less by, thinking of my own best interest, and that of those care about me, as they are the only people in my life that truly should matter.

How will you WORRY LESS this year?


I'm going with the old.

I've wanted to start my, "blog thing", up again. I tried to start new.

It was weird.

And scary. Uncharted territory.

I am ready to write some epic, which was just septic, pre-spellcheck, shit.

Read on, or don't.

You do have a say, in this particular matter.

SOOO.... You've never "GOOGLED" yourself...


I did...again.


Like, last night.

I did it awhile ago, too, like maybe two years ago?? Probably in between then as well, to little avail.

I think I found a link to a comment I made in a Brady Bunch fan page from when the Internet "first came out". And yes, young bucks, the "Internet" gets a capital "I" because IT is very powerful. With great power, comes great responsibility. I almost think you ought to have something comparable to driver's license to use it. It's dangerous. It's a rite of passage (given too soon now, in my opinion (not IMO)). It can be abused. It is a tool of great power that ANYONE can access.

Let me refocus. When the Internet first appeared in MY life, maybe 12 years ago??? The last....I *cringe* GOOGLED myself, there wasn't much to be had.

Now, several years later... Let's re-evaluate.

I've grown up. Not really. But... I no longer accept candy from strangers. I brush my teeth without command. (I still wouldn't know to get my oil changed or remember to set my clocks back if it weren't for my significant other..)

Anyways. I've grown up. Some.

I just found it interesting THAT. Things maybe, say..I "liked" on FB automatically associated my name with them.

For example, if you "GOOGLE" Allison Martynuska Snead, you will find a Zensah compression ankle sleeve that I looked up...TODAY. That bothers me. You will find an icon for my Crossfit gym. Some races that I've run and/or will be running. You'll find a photo of a friend I haven't seen in YEARS kissing her child in front of the monument in front of our University. You will find a picture of a jacket in a toilet. (I wasn't there, but I hunted down the situation, and I can explain that....)
There's a picture of, not me...but SOMEONE else giving the middle finger. You will find comments in a running meetup group that I posted. I have never even run with that group, and have since deleted the account!!!! Still there!!! For all to see!!! I could have said ANYTHING in my comments!!!!

I know. Who cares? I don't. No biggie. BUT. The kid I used to teach..SHE started "Googling"..and I'm fairly certain she and her parents have seen that same picture and read the same comments that I see when I "GOOGLE" myself. I wonder if THAT has any correlation with the fact I haven't heard from a few months.

Sigh. It wasn't even me giving "THE FINGER!!". Plus, it was over TEN years ago. BUT evidence...STILL THERE...for all to see... And there is not a thing I can do about it. All of the above is ESPECIALLY important when you have a unique name.

"OH!!! It must have been ANOTHER Allison Martynuska Snead that looks just exactly like me in that picture flipping someone off!! And the guy? He isn't my husband!!! He looks JUST LIKE him though!!!"! Unique name?

You're fucked.

I read an article recently about a couple trying to hide their child's electronic footprint. "Choose" his or her name based on "Available Facebook and email names before the child was born". Sir and Maddame? What you have just done is made your child MORE accessible.

What were you thinking by not naming that little bastard Jane/John Doe?

Don't get me wrong. I'm WIDE open. But this all kind of bothers me. Sort of like... When I've just said something private to my husband... Real secret and totally made up-like... And I GET AN EMAIL ABOUT IT!!!

It's not as dirty as you think. No quick erection pills here, folks. Just random things I've said and have NOT searched. I'll get the,"Allison, did you know the new iPhone is released today?" I mention it, and Andy smashes his with a kettlebell.

My dad had some health things going on with his hip etc last year and the DAY of surgery, I get e-mails saying, "Allison, does your hip need replaced and etc etc..."

Things that had never been typed on my computer for memory tracking FOR SURE have shown up in my e-mails and search engines. I feel unsafe on my own iPad.

Is it coincidence? Is it paranoia? Am I especially suseptable now that I put it all out there?

I really feel like... Kind of unsafe. And I guess I'm just being stupid because I notice these details because I know myself, but if someone REALLY wanted to come and get me...HERE I AM BABY!!

The Internet offers all opportunity to anyone and everyone to find you and associate you with what you like and don't like. Categorize you.

You could be superbfab popular and not know it!!

You are probably a huge bunk-ass nerd.

I will definitely be more careful from now on with what I click on and look at. A lot of times, I just surf around looking at things people post out of sheer boredom.

Boredom leaves a "fingerprint".

Sure does.

Otherwise, when I "Google" myself, why would THIS be one of the FIRST results???

Yep. You'll find this if you "Google" me. It's cute and all...
Another favorite from the search engine. Bras. I guess I'm associated with fleet feet because of the running program I did.
Favorite fat photo from the vault. This is a "concert" from chapel hill. Back when I was a teacher. Probably 7-8 years ago. Andy and I were chubby. It doesn't matter. But you can still "Google" us.
This whack job came, I believe, from Andy's non-existent myspace page. How am I associated with a gremlin?
Here is the flipping the bird photo. Literally over ten years ago. Days of MySpace. What the WHAT?????
I liked this last week. In case you were "stalking" me and missed it. You can easily find the image by "Googling" me.
Wrapping it up today with a blog, because I know I'm going to be caught up in the world of running and beer and bourbon and BBQ tomorrow and too busy to share my exciting results!! January, I did a Whole 30.

Lost 16 pounds.

In February, did one,

Lost 6 pounds.

In March, April, May and June I still basically ate this way, but allowed rice and some other things in there. Occasional beer. Chocolate. I had pizza once. And a milkshake. And pancakes.

Lost 5.5 pounds.

In July, did another Whole 30.

Lost....11 pounds!!!!!

Total for the year.......

38.5 pounds!!!

I have 13.5 to go, and 5 more months to do it in!! That's 2.7 a month!! 0.67 a week! I got this!!! Super proud for sticking to what I started and I'm going to finish!

The most amazing part is, it is STAYING off in between. I think doing CrossFit and building muscle has been the number one contributor to this factor! YAY!

Also, since I got measured at the end of May, I lost a half inch from my chest and hips and an inch and a half from my waist. Doesn't sound like much, but when I hold the measuring tape out an inch and a half it looks it;)

I hope this isn't taken for bragging.. But it kind of is. This is something I have kept putting off as I kept putting on, and it isn't the easiest of tasks, so when it is working, it is fun to talk about. Perhaps if I had talked about it when it wasn't working, I would've gotten myself working sooner?!?

I can't say enough good things about the Whole 30 way of eating and CrossFit and the Galloway Training Program. If you'd like to hear more about any of them, please ask. I'd be happy to tell you more. The best part about all of them, they are all do able, sensible ways of getting healthy. No nonsense down to business, get it done right!

Coming to another close of a whole 30. This one hasn't been AS strict. I've let some stevia weasel it's way into my day...into my tea that is...and I made banana bread.. Which technically has all permissible ingredients, but the whole "bread/dessert" factor is frowned upon...I've definitely had some lunch meat and bacon with nitrates from restaurants..I've eaten some fake cheese with everything compliant except for the tapioca starch, but other than that..I've been successful again!!

Only 5 more days to go and I can have bourbon and beer! Yay!! My best guesstimate is that I will have lost between 7-10 pounds. Scale read 10 after only the first week, and has been bouncing back and forth and back and forth. I'm ignoring it until Saturday. ANY loss is a loss, and I'll be better off because of it. In a months time, that's nothing to frown about! I'm taking a "break", enjoying SOME treats on my vacation, and then back at it when I come home. The three demons that I have managed to steer clear of all year are soda, candy and potato chips! I am Betty nutrition!!

I've noticed something over the past two weeks of exercising. It's a general statement, for me. I think CrossFit is making my running stronger, and running is making my CrossFit weaker. (Mostly in the leg type lifts- NOT arm lifts.. I had a pr in push jerk of 150- 15 pounds heavier than in May, and I'm fairly certain I will PR in shoulder press. Did 5x2 reps of 80, and my old PR is 85...) Let's talk about dead lifts...I tried to do 2 sets of 5 of 90 percent on Friday... That would be 245 for me.. I could lift it twice. That's it. My body would allow no more. I stopped and tried to pick it up just once more, and I simply couldn't. It may have been a bad day, or the fact that we ran and did the prowler as a warm up, but honestly, I'm looking deeper and suspecting that my legs are drained. I had also done my first 11 mile run a few days earlier.

Andy and I participated in Barbells for Boobs, a CrossFit fundraiser workout last weekend. It was a great time, and where this fantastic pic was taken!! Awesome time, excellent cause!

I'm willing to throw in the pride card on the amount I can dead lift and squat for now, because I really want to do well at this weekend's 5k and our upcoming half marathon. Will I place? Uh hell no!!

My goal is to take 5 minutes off of my time from my 5k from last year. (38:26 was my time. Aiming for 33:26) That's about a 10:45 pace. I think it's doable, and even more so, I think if I'm feeling it, I could possibly break 33 minutes. I couldn't be happier with the progress I've made in my running. Did I mention, my very first 5k running back in 2010 took me OVER 45 minutes??? I got passed by strollers!!!

Everyone has to start somewhere, and I'm proud to say that I've not quit and didn't let those passing strollers discourage me, although I wanted to cry my eyes out at the time.

I just don't think it's possible to excel at two things at one time. Once this marathon training eases off, which will be May, I think I'll be ready to get back to focusing on lifting the hell out of some weights. I love that, too! In the meantime, if I don't PR every time, I don't think I can allow it to get to me. There are plenty of other good changes going on to let that get me down!
It seems like every time I clean and or try to do something nice something breaks. I mentioned in my status earlier, I vacuumed for a client and I split their vacuum cord. Who does that?!?

Geez. I just talked to the lady and she wasn't mad AT ALL. All they were concerned about was the dogs. Thankfully. I'd still feel better if I could pay to replace the cord. I'm pretty sure they'll end up getting a new one. I'm pretty sure I won't vacuum next time, or it'll be bmov.

Crossfit and running have been treating me well. We pushed the prowler sled on Friday, I got up to 200 and some pounds. I can't remember if I wrote about that or not, but I actually like that stupid thing. Saturday was an eight mile run with magic mile. My mile was actually 20 seconds slower than my first one. I'm ok with that. Maybe it had something to do with 20 plus miles of dog walks last week on top of three cf workouts? Still happy with my time close to 9 minutes.

Yesterday we did high bar back squats 86 percent. 2x5 Which is 195 pounds for me. It went pretty well. I need to get over the whole dropping fear because I think I could probably squat a lil lower than what I am. Either way. 195 is pretty nifty. We finished up with 50 burpees for time and although I was near one of the last to finish, it took me ONLY 4:14!!! For 50!! I did the first 25 the "right way" and did them "unbroken" then things got shady. I had to do the little crawl up off of the floor thing I do, but I still jumped. I definitely can tell a HUGE difference in my ability to do 50 burpees now than six months ago. I felt GOOD doing them and not like I was going to die. Now, had you asked me to do 100, the strategy may have been a little different...

Andy and I have been sticking to the Whole 30, faithfully for the most part. I had some NAST egg frittata from custom fit meals this am. I had to put some organic honey on it to try and get it down. And even then I tossed half of it.

Although you are instructed NOT to weigh yourself, I can't follow those instructions. The scale told me the same thing yesterday and today. In twelve days...

TEN more pounds lost!! I highly recommend this lifestyle change. I'm doing and feeling things I never thought possible at 38!
Was feeling sad. The little old gentleman, from Barnes and Noble that I wrote the story on the napkin for back in January seems to have dementia;( He reintroduced himself today, and had no idea who I was.. I've seen him since January, the first time, a few weeks later, he definitely remembered me. We chatted, etc.. Then a few more weeks passed. I saw him with his friend and I think he remembered me that time, but I don't always stop and chat...Today his buddy, just winked.. I cut my end of the conversation short because I could tell the gentleman with dementia was like "who is this lady at my table?!?" I left feeling sad...I suppose I shouldn't.. I mean.. I AM just a stranger that wrote a story on a napkin and handed to him, a ninety something year old man..I shouldn't be surprised he doesn't remember... But it's different. He doesn't not remember because he doesn't want to... He doesn't remember because he can't and that makes me very sad for him.

The sanitation workers of Raleigh were the highlight if my day when I waved while putting my recycling bin away..I got a Beep Beep!! Made me smile!! So stupid, but made me feel all better;)

Anakin had a $500 episode earlier in the week. Muscle spasms in the front shoulders. A. Old age. B. kidney infection C. Tick exposure. Not sure what caused/is causing it. Breaks my heart to seem him feeling down. He seems ok now, but once again, it's the getting older thing getting me down. Is it a coincidence that my birthday week just passed? And Kath's birthday is tomorrow? Anita Snead's birthday is at the end of the month?

I guess time just is flying by and I'm having a midlife moment of sadness, although I shouldn't be. I think taking care of all of these pets while people are on vacation has me Debbie Downer as well. I said to myself last night.... The set would be complete if so and so.. My one last big long term travel client called for visits...guess who text this afternoon??
I'm NOT complaining... It's just I'd rather be on vacation...

Enough of the random ramblings!! I'll talk more food, exercise and hopefully happy after this little thunder nap I'm about to take!!!
Anakin's in the middle. We'll help you brother!
It has been awhile since I wrote a blog post so maybe I'll get back into doing so.. I've actually had more than one person inquire about my absent blog!! Made me feel important!!

Truth is, I kind of stopped writing for awhile because I had been disappointed about a lot of different things going on. My weight had plateaued. I kept choosing things to work really hard towards and having them not pan out for whatever reason.. Money, timing, fate, what not..

Well, a month or so has passed. Birthday binge week has occurred. I had a pancake. I had pizza. Pasta salad. Ice cream. A hot dog..on a bun...and lots of beer!!!!!! It was nice to feel kind of free for a week!! And honestly, since I was weighed at the end of May, the scale only went up 4.5 pounds. I know that sounds like A LOT, but keep reading, it's ok;);)

I refocused some of my energy on training for a half marathon! I was disappointed to find out I wasn't drawn to run the Nike Women's in San Fransisco, but it's ok. I'll be running the city of oaks half marathon right here in Raleigh. Honestly, I think I'm already ready, and it's only July. I have to wait until November!! In the meantime, I have a 5k in August, a potential 10 miler in September and an 8k in October to look forward to.
I have been continuing to enjoy going to Crossfit. We have an event in two weeks called Barbells for Boobs. It's a nice fundraising event that Andy actually raised a few hundred dollars for. We will be competing together.
One of my biggest fears at Crossfit and at anything has always been "coming in last". Well, today I put that fear WAY aside and just did what I needed to do to come as close as I could to rxing the workout. We started off with some pretty heavy back squats, 83 percent of max, which is 190 pounds for me, I used 185. I'm still being timid with my squats because a few weeks ago I was getting headaches, exertion headaches I believe, and I dumped a big old 165 pound barbell off my back when squatting. I'm afraid of dropping it still!! Doing the 185 2x5 didn't really feel all too heavy for me, but I also know I should've been squatting a touch deeper. I know I need to be more confident with these lifts, and hopefully that will come with time!! Then we did 3 cleans at 70 percent (95 pounds for me) followed by 3 front squats 5 times. I thought these would be easier than what they were.. They weren't heavy exactly, but did get my heart rate up. Then we did some back extensions.
Finally it was time for the actual workout which was 3 rounds of 30 double unders, 20 wall balls and 10 toes to bar. Right off I knew I wouldn't get the rx because I can't do the toes to bar. Logan coerced me into doing the double unders, and I'm glad he did. It was unpleasant at the time, and it took me well over ten minutes more than everyone else to finish the workout because of it, I finished and I feel pretty good about myself for trying.
As for the clean eating.. I started back to doing another whole 30 on Friday. Get all that birthday binge on out of my system. I'm not going to lie. I do break a few of the whole 30 rules. I use me some store bought mayo. I can't stomach the thought of making my own!! And I do make dessert type items!! A little baked fruit..last night I made some coconut cream with cocoa powder.. Omg!!!

And also... I can't keep myself away from the scale.. Another no no...

Soo... Just from starting the whole 30 on Friday...Lost...7 pounds! So I'm down three from pre binge weight!! Maybe the binge was what I needed to knock me offa this plateau!!!

Till next time!

Sauerkraut and apple and cherry pork
Salmon, tartar sauce, winter squash, beets and Brussels sprouts!