SOOO.... You've never "GOOGLED" yourself...


I did...again.


Like, last night.

I did it awhile ago, too, like maybe two years ago?? Probably in between then as well, to little avail.

I think I found a link to a comment I made in a Brady Bunch fan page from when the Internet "first came out". And yes, young bucks, the "Internet" gets a capital "I" because IT is very powerful. With great power, comes great responsibility. I almost think you ought to have something comparable to driver's license to use it. It's dangerous. It's a rite of passage (given too soon now, in my opinion (not IMO)). It can be abused. It is a tool of great power that ANYONE can access.

Let me refocus. When the Internet first appeared in MY life, maybe 12 years ago??? The last....I *cringe* GOOGLED myself, there wasn't much to be had.

Now, several years later... Let's re-evaluate.

I've grown up. Not really. But... I no longer accept candy from strangers. I brush my teeth without command. (I still wouldn't know to get my oil changed or remember to set my clocks back if it weren't for my significant other..)

Anyways. I've grown up. Some.

I just found it interesting THAT. Things maybe, say..I "liked" on FB automatically associated my name with them.

For example, if you "GOOGLE" Allison Martynuska Snead, you will find a Zensah compression ankle sleeve that I looked up...TODAY. That bothers me. You will find an icon for my Crossfit gym. Some races that I've run and/or will be running. You'll find a photo of a friend I haven't seen in YEARS kissing her child in front of the monument in front of our University. You will find a picture of a jacket in a toilet. (I wasn't there, but I hunted down the situation, and I can explain that....)
There's a picture of, not me...but SOMEONE else giving the middle finger. You will find comments in a running meetup group that I posted. I have never even run with that group, and have since deleted the account!!!! Still there!!! For all to see!!! I could have said ANYTHING in my comments!!!!

I know. Who cares? I don't. No biggie. BUT. The kid I used to teach..SHE started "Googling"..and I'm fairly certain she and her parents have seen that same picture and read the same comments that I see when I "GOOGLE" myself. I wonder if THAT has any correlation with the fact I haven't heard from a few months.

Sigh. It wasn't even me giving "THE FINGER!!". Plus, it was over TEN years ago. BUT evidence...STILL THERE...for all to see... And there is not a thing I can do about it. All of the above is ESPECIALLY important when you have a unique name.

"OH!!! It must have been ANOTHER Allison Martynuska Snead that looks just exactly like me in that picture flipping someone off!! And the guy? He isn't my husband!!! He looks JUST LIKE him though!!!"! Unique name?

You're fucked.

I read an article recently about a couple trying to hide their child's electronic footprint. "Choose" his or her name based on "Available Facebook and email names before the child was born". Sir and Maddame? What you have just done is made your child MORE accessible.

What were you thinking by not naming that little bastard Jane/John Doe?

Don't get me wrong. I'm WIDE open. But this all kind of bothers me. Sort of like... When I've just said something private to my husband... Real secret and totally made up-like... And I GET AN EMAIL ABOUT IT!!!

It's not as dirty as you think. No quick erection pills here, folks. Just random things I've said and have NOT searched. I'll get the,"Allison, did you know the new iPhone is released today?" I mention it, and Andy smashes his with a kettlebell.

My dad had some health things going on with his hip etc last year and the DAY of surgery, I get e-mails saying, "Allison, does your hip need replaced and etc etc..."

Things that had never been typed on my computer for memory tracking FOR SURE have shown up in my e-mails and search engines. I feel unsafe on my own iPad.

Is it coincidence? Is it paranoia? Am I especially suseptable now that I put it all out there?

I really feel like... Kind of unsafe. And I guess I'm just being stupid because I notice these details because I know myself, but if someone REALLY wanted to come and get me...HERE I AM BABY!!

The Internet offers all opportunity to anyone and everyone to find you and associate you with what you like and don't like. Categorize you.

You could be superbfab popular and not know it!!

You are probably a huge bunk-ass nerd.

I will definitely be more careful from now on with what I click on and look at. A lot of times, I just surf around looking at things people post out of sheer boredom.

Boredom leaves a "fingerprint".

Sure does.

Otherwise, when I "Google" myself, why would THIS be one of the FIRST results???

Yep. You'll find this if you "Google" me. It's cute and all...
Another favorite from the search engine. Bras. I guess I'm associated with fleet feet because of the running program I did.
Favorite fat photo from the vault. This is a "concert" from chapel hill. Back when I was a teacher. Probably 7-8 years ago. Andy and I were chubby. It doesn't matter. But you can still "Google" us.
This whack job came, I believe, from Andy's non-existent myspace page. How am I associated with a gremlin?
Here is the flipping the bird photo. Literally over ten years ago. Days of MySpace. What the WHAT?????
I liked this last week. In case you were "stalking" me and missed it. You can easily find the image by "Googling" me.

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