It has been awhile since I wrote a blog post so maybe I'll get back into doing so.. I've actually had more than one person inquire about my absent blog!! Made me feel important!!

Truth is, I kind of stopped writing for awhile because I had been disappointed about a lot of different things going on. My weight had plateaued. I kept choosing things to work really hard towards and having them not pan out for whatever reason.. Money, timing, fate, what not..

Well, a month or so has passed. Birthday binge week has occurred. I had a pancake. I had pizza. Pasta salad. Ice cream. A hot dog..on a bun...and lots of beer!!!!!! It was nice to feel kind of free for a week!! And honestly, since I was weighed at the end of May, the scale only went up 4.5 pounds. I know that sounds like A LOT, but keep reading, it's ok;);)

I refocused some of my energy on training for a half marathon! I was disappointed to find out I wasn't drawn to run the Nike Women's in San Fransisco, but it's ok. I'll be running the city of oaks half marathon right here in Raleigh. Honestly, I think I'm already ready, and it's only July. I have to wait until November!! In the meantime, I have a 5k in August, a potential 10 miler in September and an 8k in October to look forward to.
I have been continuing to enjoy going to Crossfit. We have an event in two weeks called Barbells for Boobs. It's a nice fundraising event that Andy actually raised a few hundred dollars for. We will be competing together.
One of my biggest fears at Crossfit and at anything has always been "coming in last". Well, today I put that fear WAY aside and just did what I needed to do to come as close as I could to rxing the workout. We started off with some pretty heavy back squats, 83 percent of max, which is 190 pounds for me, I used 185. I'm still being timid with my squats because a few weeks ago I was getting headaches, exertion headaches I believe, and I dumped a big old 165 pound barbell off my back when squatting. I'm afraid of dropping it still!! Doing the 185 2x5 didn't really feel all too heavy for me, but I also know I should've been squatting a touch deeper. I know I need to be more confident with these lifts, and hopefully that will come with time!! Then we did 3 cleans at 70 percent (95 pounds for me) followed by 3 front squats 5 times. I thought these would be easier than what they were.. They weren't heavy exactly, but did get my heart rate up. Then we did some back extensions.
Finally it was time for the actual workout which was 3 rounds of 30 double unders, 20 wall balls and 10 toes to bar. Right off I knew I wouldn't get the rx because I can't do the toes to bar. Logan coerced me into doing the double unders, and I'm glad he did. It was unpleasant at the time, and it took me well over ten minutes more than everyone else to finish the workout because of it, I finished and I feel pretty good about myself for trying.
As for the clean eating.. I started back to doing another whole 30 on Friday. Get all that birthday binge on out of my system. I'm not going to lie. I do break a few of the whole 30 rules. I use me some store bought mayo. I can't stomach the thought of making my own!! And I do make dessert type items!! A little baked fruit..last night I made some coconut cream with cocoa powder.. Omg!!!

And also... I can't keep myself away from the scale.. Another no no...

Soo... Just from starting the whole 30 on Friday...Lost...7 pounds! So I'm down three from pre binge weight!! Maybe the binge was what I needed to knock me offa this plateau!!!

Till next time!

Sauerkraut and apple and cherry pork
Salmon, tartar sauce, winter squash, beets and Brussels sprouts!

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