I'm not going to lie. I was pretty much fine for most of the time I've been doing this clean eating, but the past two nights have been killer!! After dinner, I've eaten extra food. Once again nothing bad, but I'm absolutely ravenous!! Tonight it was a boiled egg, a serving of macademias and some hot peppers and asparagus!!!

Could be so much worse, but... I'm assuming this isn't good for any extra weight loss on the scale;(

I'm trying to remain positive and keep telling myself I'm going to stay consistent. Walking and running 5.5 miles today burned a respectable amount of calories, so an extra nutritious mini meal isn't something to beat myself up over!!!

At least I didn't go off of the deep end and eat something really terrible.

Small victories!! I keep trying to envision what I'd like my end result to be. I suppose a reasonable end result for me would be in the neighborhood of -30 by May 16th. That's an average of 1.5 a week.

That may even be too lofty. I may need to readjust. I can just let the scale dictate!!!

Who knows!! I'm just going to keep on trying my best!!! It's not nearly as hard as I thought it would be!

As I write, I think about my potential audience and how embarrassing it would be to admit failure.

I don't want to have to cross that bridge!!!

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