I learned what a snatch is tonight- as if!!

I kind of like snatches! As if!

I think snatches are going to be quite a bit more challenging once I put some weight on that 35 pound bar, but for now, I'm focusing on getting my snatch in order!!

The WOD was:

3 rounds of supermans (15) - the regulars did back raises( I believe I could do these soon)

And 100 jump ropes or 50 double unders (I'm pretty ok at jump roping and think I'm capable of SOMEDAY being able to do double unders)

I finished in 5:02.

To be honest, the frickin warm up wears me out pretty good! I guess I'll get used to it with time.

I have to say, I am highly impressed with how well Crossfit RDU is run. Every one of the coaches is helpful and attentive. I never see them just hanging out or standing around. They are actively involved in helping. The clients are very helpful as well.

I just can't wait to master these weight lifting moves so I can start adding some weight and kicking my ass!

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