Another lofty goal that I've always wanted to meet, but never quite made it to over the past few years is logging 1000 miles of walking and running. I'm pretty close to on track for the year. I'm breaking myself today to catch up to the 83.4 miles I need for January.. It's 4:02 pm and today I ran and walked 3.12 on the treadmill this am. I just walked 2.0 at the mall after tutoring and I'm still 4.1 short;( for the month. I wasn't sure if I was going to persue this goal this year or not, but I'm so close!! Plus, with all of the dog walks, and two days a week walking at the mall, it should be easy to tack some extra walking in there. I go to the run tonight at fleet feet... I'm going, I'm going!! It'll be a 3 miler. I'm going to have to walk.

I'm simply exhausted. Deep down I know I shouldn't be pushing myself this hard, but I really want to make things happen this time!! I'm going to drive on over to whole foods, walk around the shopping center, log a mile and do my three miles at 5:30 and not miss any days next month so I'm not killing myself at the end of the month like I am today! Plus, February is shorter! Now I know how those cops feel pulling all of those people over to meet their quota!!

Dedication and persistence will get me where I need to be!!!

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