Woke up to poop in the cage. Seems Max had an upset tummy. YUCK. Not a pleasant morning surprise!!!

Next, I went to 8:15 crossfit. I had other dogs to care for this morning. We did workout 13.3 as our WOD. It was 12 mins as many reps as possible of 150 wall balls 90 double unders and 30 muscle ups. We don't need to discuss the double unders or muscle ups, as I didn't make it that far. What I am pleased with, I did GOOD wall balls. Steve said I'd have to start over if he caught me not going over the line or not squatting low enough, so I took my time I did it with care. I only did 120, but I'll tell you what. My legs HURT. I must've done them right!!! I also did a few band pull ups semi-successfully for the first time.

Took ale cat to the vet. All is well. The poor soul probably thought he was being given away!

I ate well today. Had 2 egg salad for breakfast and a Lara bar. For lunch, some chicken salad and one slider and hot dog, no bun- just condiments... Had a serving of dark chocolate chips this afternoon... And dinner is mustard lime chicken with sweet potatoe fries and broccoli.

I believe I'll finish today up with a nice HOT BATH!!!

(I'm sad to say, I know our time is running out with the pups. I sure do like the little guys even if they do poo in the cage;()

Nom nom nom

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