My legs have only been this sore one other time in my life. Several years ago, I pretended to start going back to the gym. I did about a ten minute intro session with a trainer. It was a bunch of mini box jumps and squats and stuff. I seriously couldn't walk for four days... This is reminiscent of that time.

I woke up this morning, my legs already had been hurting yesterday...and my quads are so sore. I decided to skip crossfit. The WOD wasn't posted and I feared for my life. I'm honestly practically losing my balance getting up from a seated position. I didn't want to have it be box jumps or MORE wall balls! Heavens!

So, we went to the gym. I started out walking on the treadmill, which of course was kind of painful, but once I got moving was ok, so I decided to run. It seemed as though the faster I ran, the less it hurt! (as I got warmed up) Now as anyone that goes to the gym knows all treadmills are different. This particular treadmill informed me that I ran three miles in under thirty minutes!! I ran the whole thing mostly on 6.0, but a few minutes going up and down between 6.0-6.5 to make up for the time I had been walking. Honestly, it wasn't horrible until around 2.25 miles, that's when I got pretty tired. But, all the same, got some speed work in. The question is....will I be able to make my legs run the "devil made me do it" run tomorrow? It's not a REAL race, but a fun run. I may chose to walk. I may not HAVE a choice!!!

Breakfast was 2 eggs, 4 slices of bacon and some watermelon. Had a Lara bar before the gym. We had two plates of Ruby Tuesday salad bar for lunch and brought home dinner, which is a crab cake, green beans and some sweet potato fries. (On a side note, I've been obsessing about what kind of cake I'll get for my JULY...)

I'm getting super sad that this might be the last night with the puppies EVEN though Max crapped in the house twice today. I love puppies. It will be nice to get back to normal. I am proud of my babies for being such good hosts and the puppies were really well behaved. I think we will do it again!

How the heck did THIS happen;)
Ruby Tuesday!

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