While I was tidying the deplorable conditions of the Snead household today, I noticed the Valentine's Day flowers were getting a little droopy. It occurred to me, that since we hadn't gone out lately,I hadn't taken any glamour shot senior pictures with my flowers! Noting my already radiant beauty, I put on some Chapstick and started snapping.

Half the reason for flowers IS taking glamour shots!
Why yes! I am wearing a sports bra!
I take a half decent self portrait!!
For the love of flowers!! After all of that photo shooting, all ten minutes of it- normally would take longer, but these ones turned out ok, with little effort. Pretty flowers make a difference! I spent the majority of the day napping. I finally gave my legs that long needed rest from running..

Until crossfit time. We did a bunch of work doing snatches- my least favorite lift. I feel awkward doing it. I guess I'll improve with time.

Then our WOD was 5 rounds of 10 box jumps and 10 toes to bar. I can't do toes to bar, but I am able to get my legs out a little higher than 90 degrees, and straight, which is improvement from where I started. I'm actualy half decent at box jumps. I finished in 5:47.

I also tried my hand at some band assisted pull ups after the class. This is going to be a PROCESS. I could do all of about ONE. And that ONE was UGLY.

Someday, my friends, someday!

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