I think I'm ready for my race on Saturday. No records will be broken, as this is my first 8k. No records, except it's my longest race to date.

Had my last run tonight. I walked two miles at a 16 min pace and ran the last whole mile at 12:15ish. I think even with the hills, I shouldn't have a problem keeping a 14 min pace. I wasn't even panting after running a whole mile at 12:15 non stop, and this folks, is progress!!

Since I haven't done or checked out the course, my strategy is going to be run when I can, walk when I have to. I'm going to attemp to not look at my phone as much as possible. I tend to keep a pretty good pace when I DON'T stress about the numbers. I'm going to run, enjoy myself, and if I have to walk, I have to walk.

I'm going to look damn cute doing it;)

Race outfit pictured at bottom. Blog won't cooperate;)
I know it as awfully pink for a run green event. But I love pink. There's some green. Deal with it;)

Here is the shirt and my number for the race. Shirts are cute!

Here is the shirt from the training program I completed and a free pair of very nice socks we got tonight!
And here is the ugliest cat tshirt on the planet. I guess subliminally, since I dreamt that I flushed my cat down the toilet, I felt the need to purchase two ugly cat tshirts today, to show remorse.

Had a good day over all. Need to get Bode to the vet. I'm suspecting he has some kind of food allergy or yeast infection going on. He crapped a nice ripe pile of poop on the kitchen floor that I stepped right in when I got home tonight in the dark;( I didn't get mad. I knew he wasn't feeling well. Plus, it was on the kitchen floor. That can be remedied.

I certainly hope it's just the diet and not something more serious;(

That's all for now!!
2/28/2013 10:22:54 am

Super cute! Cat shirt is the catnip!!


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