Unheard of!! I'm not doing this because I drink every day, because I don't, or didn't rather, anymore... Used to probably in college and for maybe a rough patch or two, but just mostly every weekend or every other weekend. Tired of being tired and hungover and wasting time being wasted all of the time! FIFTY DAYS! And to be quite honest, I haven't really complained about it a whole lot, believe it or not!

As a result, in addition to no drinking, no fast food, no packaged food, little cheese..(just stuff like some hot sauce, mustard, canned orangic veggies, olives and pickles..and my chocolate)

-19.5 pounds are gone. Hope to never be seen again!!! This is a little embarrassing to say, but..I am 45.5 pounds less than my heaviest weight!! That was probably about two maybe two and a half? Years ago! I'm also about 40 pounds from my goal. Although I'd be satisfied with 30;) More than half way there!!

I honestly believe it will happen this year!! I look at those numbers and ask myself how in the world did this happen to me! I know I am not alone based on what I read about others and how they struggle, so I know I'm not alone. What I do know is that I am doing something about it, and I am doing it with great perserverance.

I went to Crossfit this morning. It was some Tabata training. It wasn't too bad compared to last nights tough workout. It was 20 second intervals with ten second rest of deep squats, the bike and the row machine. I also got in about 3.5 miles of walking.

I also made the purchase of a foam roller and a massage thingy because my right knee joint is getting "clicky". It may be due to a tight IT band? It doesn't hurt..YET.. So I'm trying to be proactive!!

Foam roller and massage thingy...
I'm going to roll around on the floor for a bit and take a nap. Tonight I'm doing some mock jury thing for pay.

Dinner tonight is from Earthfare deli!! Half price!! Chicken breast, broccoli salad and asparagus.

Sweet dreams!

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