Had an eyedr appt today. Ordered the exact same pair of glasses!!! Except in green instead of pink. Creature of habit!! There are only so many options with a prescription as strong as mine, unfortunately. Thank you, Kate Spade for these beauties!

Kiwi green!
I mentioned to the eyedr about occasional floaters. She said my eyes looked great and healthy. Said could be due to low blood pressure. I checked it at Cvs today. 121/65 which is on the low side for me... I'm curious to know since I've drastically changed my eating habits and I exercise every day, if maybe I don't need this Bp med anymore? I am finding I get dizzy some when I rise from lying down and sitting etc. I do like the diuretic effect of the med. I don't know. I guess I'll stick with it for now, although I don't think I need it. I'll check with the dr in a few months when I force myself to go. I'm actually excited to see my bloodwork. I think it's going to be awesome!

Tonight's workout was fine. We did overhead squats. Only did 55. Worked on form. Did high bar back squats 3 sets of 105. Did some new crazy drills at the beginning that I had a love hate relationship with.

WOD was 3 rounds of

10 overhead squats at 50 percent (I just used 35)
250 jump ropes for time

So total of 750 jump ropes!!

I finished in 10:13.

I actually didn't trip much. I did stop twice to catch my breath. I really wish I could do the double unders so that it would have been 50 each round instead of 250...

Oh wells. I burned more calories;)

Steak fajitas without the fajita for dinner;) yum!

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