Here's a link to the food list that I've been using to create my meals.

The only items I've strayed from are the following-(but the ingredients are compliant) organic Dijon mustard,spicy pickles, pickled okra, jarred hot peppers, Frank's red hot and Lara bars.

One mistake I made was I used a small amount of gluten free soy sauce not knowing you couldn't have soy.. Whoops.

And I have to admit. Not every single piece of fruit and veg I've eaten is organic, although the majority is. Not every cut of beef is grass fed, although I'd say more than half has been. All of our lunch meat and bacon has been sugar and nitrate free.

Tomorrow starts day 27 of "eating clean" for me!! To be honest, this has not been difficult for me at all. I absolutely love to cook! I'm now cooking for a friend as well.

I was craving soda. I've adopted seltzer water. I am craving some pizza and I do miss cheese. I'm for sure going to finish out my thirty days. I do believe after thirty days, I'd like to add some things like the occasional cheese in there. I think I want to eliminate beer for the most part. Stick to wine and liquor.

I really want to try cauliflower crust pizza. Or I have coconut flour. But I just can't have pizza without the cheese. I may do something crazy on Sunday... Maybe a little gluten free English muffin or bread with some sauce and cheese and make a mini pizza? That would make a nice treat. Also planning on some wings for the Super Bowl. Then back on it Monday!!

I will be posting a list of what I ate during the thirty days and the total amount of weight lost on Saturday!! (Fingers crossed!)
A plate of food!
I forgot to mention. A bonus with signing up at Crossfit RDU, they are running a transformation challenge. There's a money prize for the male and female that transform the most. It's not just weight, etc.. Etc..

I'm not totally zoning in on that every time I show up at place. I'm really just enjoying the experience! Sure it would be nice to win some cash, but I really love how focused I feel when I go there. The coaches are helpful and do their jobs very well!!

One of the things they asked us to do was to make a list of goals and I thought I'd include that list here.

Learn to be more competitive with myself- focus on my own goals, learn to come in last without beating myself up over it.

Do some double unders and handstand push ups.

Run st pattys day 8k in under 1:10.

Try something new every week, even if I don't think I'll like it/cant do it- exercise, food, movie, game..etc..
(some ideas are big box jumps,  kombucha tea, sardines, I've never seen star wars and have a dog named anakin, reading a classic...)

Allow indulgences,such as a night of binge drinking with friends, but move on. Don't let this happen every weekend like it did last year. I've enjoyed being active the first two weekends of 2013. Limit it to once a month or once every other month. Or only special occasions. Friday and/or Saturday are no longer special occasions to feed my face and drink like the most interesting woman in the world. 

Continue to participate in group exercise endeavors. (big boss run, fleet feet training group, NCRC women's running group, whatever else I find)

Run/walk intervals a half marathon- Don't have a set date for this. I want to make my first one "special". 

I have already been trying some new things and been training for my 8k on March 2nd. Some of the new things I have tried...

1. Veganase. I like it!!
2. Dates. They kind of suck, but work well in recipes.
3. Sunbutter. I can live with it, but prefer peanut butter.
4. Not drinking every weekend. Today makes 27 days without a single drink!! Now that's trying something new! I've been running and being active on the weekends instead of being a hungover POC.
5. In our foundations class, we did a mock wod. Indeed, I finished last. And lookie here! I've lived to tell.
So, let's take a step back a few weeks. When deciding what my New Year's resolutions were.. ONCE again, I came across the old "get in shape, lose weight.." blah blah. And it pissed me off. Because there I stood on New Year's Day, the exact same stinking weight I was the year before!!

Nothing gained, nothing lost.

There's some good and some bad in this. I thought about all of the good things I did over the past year. I attended a few months of Bootcamp classes. I joined a beginning women's running group and attended several social runs. I ran in three organized 5k races. The very first 5k I ever "ran" my time was in the neighborhood of 45 minutes. My personal best after this year in a real race is 38:20. Not earth shattering..but almost 7 minutes faster than my first attempt is something great!!
What went wrong? Food and beer went wrong. Other than running, I didn't really exercise a whole lot. That's what went wrong.

I found out there was a Crossfit gym 2.1 miles from my house a few weeks ago!! And thought... I can't possibly do that...

But after completing the foundations classes I'm learning that it's not about comparing yourself to others. It's about comparing yourself to yourself, so it is certainly something I CAN do and I am enjoying it very much so far!!

(Another change I've made that I'll discuss in more detail in a future post is my eating habits.)

Tonight was Andy and my first workout with a regular class. Of course, it was scaled to my ability and a lot more about getting technique down than it was trying to lift the heaviest weight in the room, or get the fastest time.

The warm up was a lot of cardio stuff outside. Run two laps. Grapevines. High knees. Skipping. Leg kicks. Squats. Some other stuff.

Then we went inside and worked in partners on back squats and front squats. There was some percent of our max that we were supposed to be doing, but I kind of worked along with my very nice partner, Ashley, since I didn't know what my max was. The back squat that I worked with was 115 and my front squat was 105.
That was pretty challenging for me, although not what I believe to be my max.

Next we did our wod. We practiced the skill of cleans. These feel goofy to me, I guess because of the technique and rhythm required to do them. I did the WOD with just a 25 pound bar and 18 kettlebells, so I don't feel too proud of myself about the time.
I finished 15,12,9,6,3 cleans and thrusters in 6:56. I was done first, obviously, because I wasn't lifting as much weight. To be completely honest, in the cleans, I don't know that I could've handled much more than 35-45 to start and for the thrusters I probably could've done 22 kettlebells. I'm not dissatisfied that I didn't chose heavier weights. I'm still working on learning the correct way to lift and that's more important than the amount of weight I'm lifting for the now.

I'll tell you what though. Some of these girls can KILL IT!!! I will be one of those girls soon enough!

I've been wanting to restart my blog for some time now. I've kind of already been.."blogging to myself".. Via lists and Facebook posts, but I suppose this would be a more organized way for me to keep track of my personal and fitness goals and stories of mischief for myself and others who are so inclined to read to enjoy. 

For those of you that don't know me, but I'm assuming most of you do.. I'm 37, married, have 3 dogs ( yellow labs- Anakin, Anita, Adobe- Bode) and a cat named Ale. I like to run and work out. I just started attempting to do crossfit about two weeks ago, and on January 3rd, I began making pretty drastic changes to my ways of eating. I'm hoping this will produce some positive results not just on the outside, but also on the inside. I also like glitter, occasional drinks with friends, bingo, bargain hunting, cooking, and just nonsense in general. 

I'm kind of unemployed right now.. I kind of work, sort of. I tutor one kid twice a week - and I walk a few dogs each week. Other than that, I'm a domestic coo coo. Hence, the name for the blog!!

Hope you'll enjoy reading about my cooking, exercising, and other fits of madness!